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Bases: AbstractAudioTensor, NdArray

Subclass of NdArray, to represent an audio tensor. Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.

from typing import Optional

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioNdArray, AudioUrl
import numpy as np

class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    audio_tensor: Optional[AudioNdArray] = None
    url: Optional[AudioUrl] = None
    bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes] = None

# from tensor
doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
    audio_tensor=np.random.rand(1000, 2),

doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

# from url
doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
class AudioNdArray(AbstractAudioTensor, NdArray):
    Subclass of [`NdArray`][docarray.typing.NdArray], to represent an audio tensor.
    Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.


    from typing import Optional

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioNdArray, AudioUrl
    import numpy as np

    class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        audio_tensor: Optional[AudioNdArray] = None
        url: Optional[AudioUrl] = None
        bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes] = None

    # from tensor
    doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
        audio_tensor=np.random.rand(1000, 2),

    doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

    # from url
    doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

    doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
    doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()




Bases: AbstractTensor, ABC

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
class AbstractAudioTensor(AbstractTensor, ABC):
    def to_bytes(self) -> 'AudioBytes':
        Convert audio tensor to [`AudioBytes`][docarray.typing.AudioBytes].
        from docarray.typing.bytes.audio_bytes import AudioBytes

        tensor = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
        tensor = (tensor * MAX_INT_16).astype('<h')
        return AudioBytes(tensor.tobytes())

    def save(
        self: 'T',
        file_path: Union[str, BinaryIO],
        format: str = 'wav',
        frame_rate: int = 44100,
        sample_width: int = 2,
        pydub_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
    ) -> None:
        Save audio tensor to an audio file. Mono/stereo is preserved.

        :param file_path: path to an audio file. If file is a string, open the file by
            that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.
        :param format: format for the audio file ('mp3', 'wav', 'raw', 'ogg' or other ffmpeg/avconv supported files)
        :param frame_rate: sampling frequency
        :param sample_width: sample width in bytes
        :param pydub_args: dictionary of additional arguments for pydub.AudioSegment.export function
        pydub = import_library('pydub', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
        from pydub import AudioSegment

        comp_backend = self.get_comp_backend()
        channels = 2 if comp_backend.n_dim(array=self) > 1 else 1  # type: ignore

        segment = AudioSegment(
        segment.export(file_path, format=format, **pydub_args)

    def display(self, rate=44100):
        Play audio data from tensor in notebook.
        if is_notebook():
            from IPython.display import Audio, display

            audio_np = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
            display(Audio(audio_np, rate=rate))
            warnings.warn('Display of audio is only possible in a notebook.')

__docarray_validate_getitem__(item) classmethod

This method validates the input to AbstractTensor.__class_getitem__.

It is called at "class creation time", i.e. when a class is created with syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].

The default implementation tries to cast any item to a tuple of ints. A subclass can override this method to implement custom validation logic.

The output of this is eventually passed to AbstractTensor.__docarray_validate_shape__ as its shape argument.

Raises ValueError if the input item does not pass validation.


Name Type Description Default
item Any

The item to validate, passed to __class_getitem__ (Tensor[item]).



Type Description

The validated item == the target shape of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __docarray_validate_getitem__(cls, item: Any) -> Tuple[int]:
    """This method validates the input to `AbstractTensor.__class_getitem__`.

    It is called at "class creation time",
    i.e. when a class is created with syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].

    The default implementation tries to cast any `item` to a tuple of ints.
    A subclass can override this method to implement custom validation logic.

    The output of this is eventually passed to
    as its `shape` argument.

    Raises `ValueError` if the input `item` does not pass validation.

    :param item: The item to validate, passed to `__class_getitem__` (`Tensor[item]`).
    :return: The validated item == the target shape of this tensor.
    if isinstance(item, int):
        item = (item,)
        item = tuple(item)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(f'{item} is not a valid tensor shape.')
    return item

__docarray_validate_shape__(t, shape) classmethod

Every tensor has to implement this method in order to enable syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape]. It is called when a tensor is assigned to a field of this type. i.e. when a tensor is passed to a Document field of type AnyTensor[shape].

The intended behaviour is as follows:

  • If the shape of t is equal to shape, return t.
  • If the shape of t is not equal to shape, but can be reshaped to shape, return t reshaped to shape.
  • If the shape of t is not equal to shape and cannot be reshaped to shape, raise a ValueError.


Name Type Description Default
t T

The tensor to validate.

shape Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]

The shape to validate against.



Type Description

The validated tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __docarray_validate_shape__(cls, t: T, shape: Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]) -> T:
    """Every tensor has to implement this method in order to
    enable syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].
    It is called when a tensor is assigned to a field of this type.
    i.e. when a tensor is passed to a Document field of type AnyTensor[shape].

    The intended behaviour is as follows:

    - If the shape of `t` is equal to `shape`, return `t`.
    - If the shape of `t` is not equal to `shape`,
        but can be reshaped to `shape`, return `t` reshaped to `shape`.
    - If the shape of `t` is not equal to `shape`
        and cannot be reshaped to `shape`, raise a ValueError.

    :param t: The tensor to validate.
    :param shape: The shape to validate against.
    :return: The validated tensor.
    comp_be = t.get_comp_backend()
    tshape = comp_be.shape(t)
    if tshape == shape:
        return t
    elif any(isinstance(dim, str) or dim == Ellipsis for dim in shape):
        ellipsis_occurrences = [
            pos for pos, dim in enumerate(shape) if dim == Ellipsis
        if ellipsis_occurrences:
            if len(ellipsis_occurrences) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Cannot use Ellipsis (...) more than once for the shape {shape}'
            ellipsis_pos = ellipsis_occurrences[0]
            # Calculate how many dimensions to add. Should be at least 1.
            dimensions_needed = max(len(tshape) - len(shape) + 1, 1)
            shape = (
                + tuple(
                    f'__dim_var_{index}__' for index in range(dimensions_needed)
                + shape[ellipsis_pos + 1 :]

        if len(tshape) != len(shape):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
        known_dims: Dict[str, int] = {}
        for tdim, dim in zip(tshape, shape):
            if isinstance(dim, int) and tdim != dim:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
            elif isinstance(dim, str):
                if dim in known_dims and known_dims[dim] != tdim:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
                    known_dims[dim] = tdim
            return t
        shape = cast(Tuple[int], shape)
            f'Tensor shape mismatch. Reshaping tensor '
            f'of shape {tshape} to shape {shape}'
            value = cls._docarray_from_native(comp_be.reshape(t, shape))
            return cast(T, value)
        except RuntimeError:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Cannot reshape tensor of shape {tshape} to shape {shape}'

__getitem__(item) abstractmethod

Get a slice of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __getitem__(self: T, item) -> T:
    """Get a slice of this tensor."""

__iter__() abstractmethod

Iterate over the elements of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over the elements of this tensor."""

__setitem__(index, value) abstractmethod

Set a slice of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    """Set a slice of this tensor."""


Play audio data from tensor in notebook.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
def display(self, rate=44100):
    Play audio data from tensor in notebook.
    if is_notebook():
        from IPython.display import Audio, display

        audio_np = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
        display(Audio(audio_np, rate=rate))
        warnings.warn('Display of audio is only possible in a notebook.')

get_comp_backend() abstractmethod staticmethod

The computational backend compatible with this tensor type.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def get_comp_backend() -> AbstractComputationalBackend:
    """The computational backend compatible with this tensor type."""

save(file_path, format='wav', frame_rate=44100, sample_width=2, pydub_args={})

Save audio tensor to an audio file. Mono/stereo is preserved.


Name Type Description Default
file_path Union[str, BinaryIO]

path to an audio file. If file is a string, open the file by that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.

format str

format for the audio file ('mp3', 'wav', 'raw', 'ogg' or other ffmpeg/avconv supported files)

frame_rate int

sampling frequency

sample_width int

sample width in bytes

pydub_args Dict[str, Any]

dictionary of additional arguments for pydub.AudioSegment.export function

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
def save(
    self: 'T',
    file_path: Union[str, BinaryIO],
    format: str = 'wav',
    frame_rate: int = 44100,
    sample_width: int = 2,
    pydub_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> None:
    Save audio tensor to an audio file. Mono/stereo is preserved.

    :param file_path: path to an audio file. If file is a string, open the file by
        that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.
    :param format: format for the audio file ('mp3', 'wav', 'raw', 'ogg' or other ffmpeg/avconv supported files)
    :param frame_rate: sampling frequency
    :param sample_width: sample width in bytes
    :param pydub_args: dictionary of additional arguments for pydub.AudioSegment.export function
    pydub = import_library('pydub', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
    from pydub import AudioSegment

    comp_backend = self.get_comp_backend()
    channels = 2 if comp_backend.n_dim(array=self) > 1 else 1  # type: ignore

    segment = AudioSegment(
    segment.export(file_path, format=format, **pydub_args)


Convert audio tensor to AudioBytes.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
def to_bytes(self) -> 'AudioBytes':
    Convert audio tensor to [`AudioBytes`][docarray.typing.AudioBytes].
    from docarray.typing.bytes.audio_bytes import AudioBytes

    tensor = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
    tensor = (tensor * MAX_INT_16).astype('<h')
    return AudioBytes(tensor.tobytes())

to_protobuf() abstractmethod

Convert DocList into a Protobuf message

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def to_protobuf(self) -> 'NdArrayProto':
    """Convert DocList into a Protobuf message"""


Return the native tensor object that this DocList tensor wraps.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def unwrap(self):
    """Return the native tensor object that this DocList tensor wraps."""


Bases: AbstractAudioTensor, TensorFlowTensor

Subclass of TensorFlowTensor, to represent an audio tensor. Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.

from typing import Optional

import tensorflow as tf

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioTensorFlowTensor, AudioUrl

class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    audio_tensor: Optional[AudioTensorFlowTensor]
    url: Optional[AudioUrl]
    bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes]

doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
    audio_tensor=tf.random.normal((1000, 2)),

doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
class AudioTensorFlowTensor(
    AbstractAudioTensor, TensorFlowTensor, metaclass=metaTensorFlow
    Subclass of [`TensorFlowTensor`][docarray.typing.TensorFlowTensor],
    to represent an audio tensor. Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.


    from typing import Optional

    import tensorflow as tf

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioTensorFlowTensor, AudioUrl

    class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        audio_tensor: Optional[AudioTensorFlowTensor]
        url: Optional[AudioUrl]
        bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes]

    doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
        audio_tensor=tf.random.normal((1000, 2)),

    doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

    doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

    doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
    doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()




Bases: AbstractAudioTensor, TorchTensor

Subclass of TorchTensor, to represent an audio tensor. Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.

from typing import Optional

import torch

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioTorchTensor, AudioUrl

class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    audio_tensor: Optional[AudioTorchTensor] = None
    url: Optional[AudioUrl] = None
    bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes] = None

doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
    audio_tensor=torch.zeros(1000, 2),

doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/audio/
class AudioTorchTensor(AbstractAudioTensor, TorchTensor, metaclass=metaTorchAndNode):
    Subclass of [`TorchTensor`][docarray.typing.TorchTensor], to represent an audio tensor.
    Adds audio-specific features to the tensor.


    from typing import Optional

    import torch

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import AudioBytes, AudioTorchTensor, AudioUrl

    class MyAudioDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        audio_tensor: Optional[AudioTorchTensor] = None
        url: Optional[AudioUrl] = None
        bytes_: Optional[AudioBytes] = None

    doc_1 = MyAudioDoc(
        audio_tensor=torch.zeros(1000, 2),

    doc_1.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

    doc_2 = MyAudioDoc(

    doc_2.audio_tensor, _ = doc_2.url.load()
    doc_2.bytes_ = doc_1.audio_tensor.to_bytes()

