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🔢 Tensor

DocArray supports several tensor types that can you can use inside BaseDoc.

The main ones are:

The three of them wrap their respective framework's tensor type.


NdArray and TorchTensor are a subclass of their native tensor type. This means that they can be used natively in their framework.


TensorFlowTensor stores the pure tf.Tensor object inside the tensor attribute. This is due to a limitation of the TensorFlow framework that prevents you from subclassing the tf.Tensor object.

DocArray also supports AnyTensor, which is the Union of the three previous tensor types. This is a generic placeholder to specify that it can work with any tensor type (NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow).

Tensor Shape validation

All three tensor types support shape validation. This means that you can specify the shape of the tensor using type hint syntax: NdArray[100, 100], TorchTensor[100, 100], TensorFlowTensor[100, 100].

Let's take an example:

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray[100, 100]

If you try to pass a tensor with a different shape, an error will be raised:

import numpy as np

    doc = MyDoc(tensor=np.zeros((100, 200)))
except ValueError as e:
1 validation error for MyDoc
  cannot reshape array of size 20000 into shape (100,100) (type=value_error)

Whereas if you just pass a tensor with the correct shape, no error will be raised:

doc = MyDoc(tensor=np.zeros((100, 100)))

Axes validation

You can check that the number of axes is correct by specifying NdArray['x','y'], TorchTensor['x','y'], TensorFlowTensor['x','y'].

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray['x', 'y']

Here you can only pass a tensor with two axes. np.zeros(10, 12) will work, but np.zeros(10, 12, 3) will raise an error.

Axis names

You can specify that two axes should have the same dimensions with the syntax NdArray['x', 'x'], TorchTensor['x', 'x'], TensorFlowTensor['x', 'x'].

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray['x', 'x']

Here you can only pass a tensor with two axes that have the same dimensions. np.zeros(10, 10) will work but np.zeros(10, 12) will raise an error.

Arbitrary number of axis

To specify that your shape can have an arbitrary number of axes, use the syntax NdArray['x', ...], or NdArray[..., 'x'].

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray[100, ...]

Here you can only pass a tensor with at least one axis with dimension 100. np.zeros(100, 10) will work but np.zeros(10, 12) will raise an error.

Tensor type validation

You don't need to directly instantiate the NdArray , TorchTensor, or TensorFlowTensor by yourself.

Instead, you should use them as type hints on BaseDoc fields, where they perform data validation. During this process, BaseDoc will cast the native tensor type into the respective DocArray tensor type.

Let's look at an example:

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray

import numpy as np

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray

doc = MyDoc(tensor=np.zeros(100))

assert isinstance(doc.tensor, NdArray)  # True
Here you see that the doc.tensor is an NdArray:
assert isinstance(doc.tensor, np.ndarray)  # True as well

But since it inherits from np.ndarray, you can also use it as a normal NumPy array. The same holds for PyTorch and TorchTensor.

Type coercion with different tensor types

DocArray also supports type coercion between different tensor types. This mean that if you pass a different tensor type to a tensor field, it will be converted to the correct tensor type.

For instance, if you define a field of type TorchTensor and you pass a NumPy array to it, it will be converted to a TorchTensor.

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import TorchTensor
import numpy as np

class MyTensorsDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: TorchTensor

doc = MyTensorsDoc(tensor=np.zeros(512))
📄 MyTensorsDoc : 0a10f88 ...
 Attribute            Value                                                  ├─────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
 tensor: TorchTensor  TorchTensor of shape (512,), dtype: torch.float64      ╰─────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

It also works in the other direction:

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray
import torch

class MyTensorsDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray

doc = MyTensorsDoc(tensor=torch.zeros(512))
📄 MyTensorsDoc : 157e6f5 ...
 Attribute        Value                                                      ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
 tensor: NdArray  NdArray of shape (512,), dtype: float32                    ╰─────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

DocVec with AnyTensor

DocVec can be used with a BaseDoc which has a field of AnyTensor or any other Union of tensor types.

However, the DocVec needs to know the tensor type of the tensor field beforehand to create the correct column.

You can specify these parameters with the tensor_type parameter of the [DocVec][docarray.vectorizer.doc_vec.DocVec] constructor:

from docarray import BaseDoc, DocVec
from docarray.typing import AnyTensor, NdArray

import numpy as np

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: AnyTensor

docs = DocVec[MyDoc](
    [MyDoc(tensor=np.zeros(100)) for _ in range(10)], tensor_type=NdArray

assert isinstance(docs.tensor, NdArray)


NdArray will be used by default if:

  • you don't specify the tensor_type parameter
  • your tensor field is a Union of tensor or AnyTensor

Compatibility of TorchTensor and torch.compile()

PyTorch 2 introduced compilation support in the form of torch.compile().

Currently, torch.compile() does not properly support subclasses of torch.Tensor such as TorchTensor. The PyTorch team is currently working on a fix for this issue.

For a workaround to this issue, see the TorchTensor API reference.