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Bases: AbstractImageTensor, NdArray

Subclass of NdArray, to represent an image tensor. Adds image-specific features to the tensor. For instance the ability convert the tensor back to image bytes which are optimized to send over the wire.

from typing import Optional

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageNdArray, ImageUrl

class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    tensor: Optional[ImageNdArray] = None
    url: Optional[ImageUrl] = None
    bytes: Optional[ImageBytes] = None

# from url
doc = MyImageDoc(

doc.tensor = doc.url.load()

doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
class ImageNdArray(AbstractImageTensor, NdArray):
    Subclass of [`NdArray`][docarray.typing.NdArray], to represent an image tensor.
    Adds image-specific features to the tensor.
    For instance the ability convert the tensor back to image bytes which are
    optimized to send over the wire.


    from typing import Optional

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageNdArray, ImageUrl

    class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        tensor: Optional[ImageNdArray] = None
        url: Optional[ImageUrl] = None
        bytes: Optional[ImageBytes] = None

    # from url
    doc = MyImageDoc(

    doc.tensor = doc.url.load()

    doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()





Bases: AbstractTensor, ABC

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
class AbstractImageTensor(AbstractTensor, ABC):
    def to_bytes(self, format: str = 'PNG') -> 'ImageBytes':
        Convert image tensor to [`ImageBytes`][docarray.typing.ImageBytes].

        :param format: the image format use to store the image, can be 'PNG' , 'JPG' ...
        :return: an ImageBytes object
        PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
        from PIL import Image as PILImage

        if format == 'jpg':
            format = 'jpeg'  # unify it to ISO standard

        tensor = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)

        mode = 'RGB' if tensor.ndim == 3 else 'L'
        pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(tensor, mode=mode)

        with io.BytesIO() as buffer:
  , format=format)
            img_byte_arr = buffer.getvalue()

        from docarray.typing.bytes.image_bytes import ImageBytes

        return ImageBytes(img_byte_arr)

    def save(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        Save image tensor to an image file.

        :param file_path: path to an image file. If file is a string, open the file by
            that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.
        PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
        from PIL import Image as PILImage

        comp_backend = self.get_comp_backend()
        np_img = comp_backend.to_numpy(self).astype(np.uint8)

        pil_img = PILImage.fromarray(np_img)

    def display(self) -> None:
        Display image data from tensor in notebook.
        if is_notebook():
            PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
            from PIL import Image as PILImage

            np_array = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
            img = PILImage.fromarray(np_array)

            from IPython.display import display

            warnings.warn('Display of image is only possible in a notebook.')

__docarray_validate_getitem__(item) classmethod

This method validates the input to AbstractTensor.__class_getitem__.

It is called at "class creation time", i.e. when a class is created with syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].

The default implementation tries to cast any item to a tuple of ints. A subclass can override this method to implement custom validation logic.

The output of this is eventually passed to AbstractTensor.__docarray_validate_shape__ as its shape argument.

Raises ValueError if the input item does not pass validation.


Name Type Description Default
item Any

The item to validate, passed to __class_getitem__ (Tensor[item]).



Type Description

The validated item == the target shape of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __docarray_validate_getitem__(cls, item: Any) -> Tuple[int]:
    """This method validates the input to `AbstractTensor.__class_getitem__`.

    It is called at "class creation time",
    i.e. when a class is created with syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].

    The default implementation tries to cast any `item` to a tuple of ints.
    A subclass can override this method to implement custom validation logic.

    The output of this is eventually passed to
    as its `shape` argument.

    Raises `ValueError` if the input `item` does not pass validation.

    :param item: The item to validate, passed to `__class_getitem__` (`Tensor[item]`).
    :return: The validated item == the target shape of this tensor.
    if isinstance(item, int):
        item = (item,)
        item = tuple(item)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(f'{item} is not a valid tensor shape.')
    return item

__docarray_validate_shape__(t, shape) classmethod

Every tensor has to implement this method in order to enable syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape]. It is called when a tensor is assigned to a field of this type. i.e. when a tensor is passed to a Document field of type AnyTensor[shape].

The intended behaviour is as follows:

  • If the shape of t is equal to shape, return t.
  • If the shape of t is not equal to shape, but can be reshaped to shape, return t reshaped to shape.
  • If the shape of t is not equal to shape and cannot be reshaped to shape, raise a ValueError.


Name Type Description Default
t T

The tensor to validate.

shape Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]

The shape to validate against.



Type Description

The validated tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __docarray_validate_shape__(cls, t: T, shape: Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]) -> T:
    """Every tensor has to implement this method in order to
    enable syntax of the form AnyTensor[shape].
    It is called when a tensor is assigned to a field of this type.
    i.e. when a tensor is passed to a Document field of type AnyTensor[shape].

    The intended behaviour is as follows:

    - If the shape of `t` is equal to `shape`, return `t`.
    - If the shape of `t` is not equal to `shape`,
        but can be reshaped to `shape`, return `t` reshaped to `shape`.
    - If the shape of `t` is not equal to `shape`
        and cannot be reshaped to `shape`, raise a ValueError.

    :param t: The tensor to validate.
    :param shape: The shape to validate against.
    :return: The validated tensor.
    comp_be = t.get_comp_backend()
    tshape = comp_be.shape(t)
    if tshape == shape:
        return t
    elif any(isinstance(dim, str) or dim == Ellipsis for dim in shape):
        ellipsis_occurrences = [
            pos for pos, dim in enumerate(shape) if dim == Ellipsis
        if ellipsis_occurrences:
            if len(ellipsis_occurrences) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Cannot use Ellipsis (...) more than once for the shape {shape}'
            ellipsis_pos = ellipsis_occurrences[0]
            # Calculate how many dimensions to add. Should be at least 1.
            dimensions_needed = max(len(tshape) - len(shape) + 1, 1)
            shape = (
                + tuple(
                    f'__dim_var_{index}__' for index in range(dimensions_needed)
                + shape[ellipsis_pos + 1 :]

        if len(tshape) != len(shape):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
        known_dims: Dict[str, int] = {}
        for tdim, dim in zip(tshape, shape):
            if isinstance(dim, int) and tdim != dim:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
            elif isinstance(dim, str):
                if dim in known_dims and known_dims[dim] != tdim:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Tensor shape mismatch. Expected {shape}, got {tshape}'
                    known_dims[dim] = tdim
            return t
        shape = cast(Tuple[int], shape)
            f'Tensor shape mismatch. Reshaping tensor '
            f'of shape {tshape} to shape {shape}'
            value = cls._docarray_from_native(comp_be.reshape(t, shape))
            return cast(T, value)
        except RuntimeError:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Cannot reshape tensor of shape {tshape} to shape {shape}'

__getitem__(item) abstractmethod

Get a slice of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __getitem__(self: T, item) -> T:
    """Get a slice of this tensor."""

__iter__() abstractmethod

Iterate over the elements of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over the elements of this tensor."""

__setitem__(index, value) abstractmethod

Set a slice of this tensor.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    """Set a slice of this tensor."""


Display image data from tensor in notebook.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
def display(self) -> None:
    Display image data from tensor in notebook.
    if is_notebook():
        PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
        from PIL import Image as PILImage

        np_array = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)
        img = PILImage.fromarray(np_array)

        from IPython.display import display

        warnings.warn('Display of image is only possible in a notebook.')

get_comp_backend() abstractmethod staticmethod

The computational backend compatible with this tensor type.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def get_comp_backend() -> AbstractComputationalBackend:
    """The computational backend compatible with this tensor type."""


Save image tensor to an image file.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

path to an image file. If file is a string, open the file by that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
def save(self, file_path: str) -> None:
    Save image tensor to an image file.

    :param file_path: path to an image file. If file is a string, open the file by
        that name, otherwise treat it as a file-like object.
    PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
    from PIL import Image as PILImage

    comp_backend = self.get_comp_backend()
    np_img = comp_backend.to_numpy(self).astype(np.uint8)

    pil_img = PILImage.fromarray(np_img)


Convert image tensor to ImageBytes.


Name Type Description Default
format str

the image format use to store the image, can be 'PNG' , 'JPG' ...



Type Description

an ImageBytes object

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
def to_bytes(self, format: str = 'PNG') -> 'ImageBytes':
    Convert image tensor to [`ImageBytes`][docarray.typing.ImageBytes].

    :param format: the image format use to store the image, can be 'PNG' , 'JPG' ...
    :return: an ImageBytes object
    PIL = import_library('PIL', raise_error=True)  # noqa: F841
    from PIL import Image as PILImage

    if format == 'jpg':
        format = 'jpeg'  # unify it to ISO standard

    tensor = self.get_comp_backend().to_numpy(self)

    mode = 'RGB' if tensor.ndim == 3 else 'L'
    pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(tensor, mode=mode)

    with io.BytesIO() as buffer:, format=format)
        img_byte_arr = buffer.getvalue()

    from docarray.typing.bytes.image_bytes import ImageBytes

    return ImageBytes(img_byte_arr)

to_protobuf() abstractmethod

Convert DocList into a Protobuf message

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def to_protobuf(self) -> 'NdArrayProto':
    """Convert DocList into a Protobuf message"""


Return the native tensor object that this DocList tensor wraps.

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/
def unwrap(self):
    """Return the native tensor object that this DocList tensor wraps."""



Bases: TensorFlowTensor, AbstractImageTensor

Subclass of TensorFlowTensor, to represent an image tensor. Adds image-specific features to the tensor. For instance the ability convert the tensor back to ImageBytes which are optimized to send over the wire.

from typing import Optional

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageTensorFlowTensor, ImageUrl

class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    tensor: Optional[ImageTensorFlowTensor]
    url: Optional[ImageUrl]
    bytes: Optional[ImageBytes]

doc = MyImageDoc(
doc.tensor = doc.url.load()
doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
class ImageTensorFlowTensor(
    TensorFlowTensor, AbstractImageTensor, metaclass=metaTensorFlow
    Subclass of [`TensorFlowTensor`][docarray.typing.TensorFlowTensor],
    to represent an image tensor. Adds image-specific features to the tensor.
    For instance the ability convert the tensor back to
    [`ImageBytes`][docarray.typing.ImageBytes] which are
    optimized to send over the wire.


    from typing import Optional

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageTensorFlowTensor, ImageUrl

    class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        tensor: Optional[ImageTensorFlowTensor]
        url: Optional[ImageUrl]
        bytes: Optional[ImageBytes]

    doc = MyImageDoc(
    doc.tensor = doc.url.load()
    doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()





Bases: AbstractImageTensor, TorchTensor

Subclass of TorchTensor, to represent an image tensor. Adds image-specific features to the tensor. For instance the ability convert the tensor back to ImageBytes which are optimized to send over the wire.

from typing import Optional

from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageTorchTensor, ImageUrl

class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str
    tensor: Optional[ImageTorchTensor] = None
    url: Optional[ImageUrl] = None
    bytes: Optional[ImageBytes] = None

doc = MyImageDoc(

doc.tensor = doc.url.load()
doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()

Source code in docarray/typing/tensor/image/
class ImageTorchTensor(AbstractImageTensor, TorchTensor, metaclass=metaTorchAndNode):
    Subclass of [`TorchTensor`][docarray.typing.TorchTensor], to represent an image tensor.
    Adds image-specific features to the tensor.
    For instance the ability convert the tensor back to
    [`ImageBytes`][docarray.typing.ImageBytes] which are
    optimized to send over the wire.


    from typing import Optional

    from docarray import BaseDoc
    from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageTorchTensor, ImageUrl

    class MyImageDoc(BaseDoc):
        title: str
        tensor: Optional[ImageTorchTensor] = None
        url: Optional[ImageUrl] = None
        bytes: Optional[ImageBytes] = None

    doc = MyImageDoc(

    doc.tensor = doc.url.load()
    doc.bytes = doc.tensor.to_bytes()

