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🖼️ Image

DocArray supports many different modalities including the widely used Image modality. This section will show you how to load and handle image data using DocArray.

Moreover, we will introduce DocArray's image-specific types, to represent your image data ranging from ImageUrl to ImageBytes and ImageNdArray.


This requires Pillow dependency. You can install all necessary dependencies via:

pip install "docarray[image]"

Load image


Check out our predefined ImageDoc to get started and play around with our image features.

First, let's define the class MyImage, which extends BaseDoc and has a url attribute of type ImageUrl, as well as an optional tensor attribute of type ImageTensor.

Next, let's instantiate a MyImage object with a local or remote URL:

from docarray.typing import ImageTensor, ImageUrl
from docarray import BaseDoc

class MyImage(BaseDoc):
    url: ImageUrl
    tensor: ImageTensor = None

img = MyImage(

To load the image data you can call .load() on the url attribute. By default, ImageUrl.load() returns an ImageNdArray object:

from docarray.typing import ImageNdArray

img.tensor = img.url.load()

assert isinstance(img.tensor, ImageNdArray)


DocArray offers several ImageTensors to store your data to:

If you specify the type of your tensor to one of the above, it will be cast to that automatically:

from docarray.typing import ImageTensorFlowTensor, ImageTorchTensor, ImageUrl
from docarray import BaseDoc

class MyImage(BaseDoc):
    url: ImageUrl = None
    tf_tensor: ImageTensorFlowTensor = None
    torch_tensor: ImageTorchTensor = None

img = MyImage(url='')
img.tf_tensor = img.url.load()
img.torch_tensor = img.url.load()

assert isinstance(img.tf_tensor, ImageTensorFlowTensor)
assert isinstance(img.torch_tensor, ImageTorchTensor)

You can also load the URL content as a PIL.Image.Image instance using ImageUrl.load_pil():

from PIL.Image import Image as PILImage

img = MyImage(
pil_img = img.url.load_pil()

assert isinstance(pil_img, PILImage)

Parameterized ImageTensor

Like all of our tensors, the ImageTensors can be used in a parametrized way, specifying the shape of the images. Let's say, for instance, all your images are of size (200, 300, 3).

import numpy as np
from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import ImageNdArray

class MyImage(BaseDoc):
    tensor: ImageNdArray[200, 300, 3]

img = MyImage(tensor=np.ones(shape=(200, 300, 3)))

# this would fail:
# img = MyImage(tensor=np.ones(shape=(224, 224, 3)))

If you have RGB images of different shapes, you can specify only the dimensions and number of channels:

import numpy as np
from docarray import BaseDoc
from docarray.typing import ImageNdArray

class MyFlexibleImage(BaseDoc):
    tensor: ImageNdArray['h', 'w', 3]

img_1 = MyFlexibleImage(tensor=np.zeros(shape=(200, 300, 3)))
img_2 = MyFlexibleImage(tensor=np.ones(shape=(224, 224, 3)))


Alternatively, you can load your ImageUrl instance to ImageBytes, and your ImageBytes instance to an ImageTensor of your choice.

from docarray.typing import ImageBytes, ImageTensor, ImageUrl
from docarray import BaseDoc

class MyImage(BaseDoc):
    url: ImageUrl = None
    bytes_: ImageBytes = None
    tensor: ImageTensor = None

img = MyImage(url='')

img.bytes_ = img.url.load_bytes()  # type(img.bytes_) = ImageBytes
img.tensor = img.bytes_.load()  # type(img.tensor) = ImageNdarray

Vice versa, you can also transform an ImageTensor to ImageBytes:

from docarray.typing import ImageBytes

bytes_from_tensor = img.tensor.to_bytes()

assert isinstance(bytes_from_tensor, ImageBytes)

Display image in a notebook

You can display your image in a notebook from both an ImageUrl instance as well as an ImageTensor instance.

Getting started - Predefined ImageDoc

To get started and play around with the image modality, DocArray provides a predefined ImageDoc, which includes all of the previously mentioned functionalities:

class ImageDoc(BaseDoc):
    url: Optional[ImageUrl] = None
    tensor: Optional[ImageTensor] = None
    embedding: Optional[AnyEmbedding] = None
    bytes_: Optional[ImageBytes] = None

You can use this class directly or extend it to your preference:

from docarray.documents import ImageDoc
from docarray.typing import AnyEmbedding
from typing import Optional

# extending ImageDoc
class MyImage(ImageDoc):
    image_title: str
    second_embedding: Optional[AnyEmbedding] = None

image = MyImage(
    image_title='My first image',

image.tensor = image.url.load()
model = SomeEmbeddingModel()
image.embedding = model(image.tensor)
image.second_embedding = model(image.tensor)