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Bases: ABC

Source code in docarray/store/
class AbstractDocStore(ABC):
    def list(namespace: str, show_table: bool) -> List[str]:
        """List all DocLists in the specified backend at the namespace.

        :param namespace: The namespace to list
        :param show_table: If true, a table is printed to the console
        :return: A list of DocList names

    def delete(name: str, missing_ok: bool) -> bool:
        """Delete the DocList object at the specified name

        :param name: The name of the DocList to delete
        :param missing_ok: If true, no error will be raised if the DocList does not exist.
        :return: True if the DocList was deleted, False if it did not exist.

    def push(
        docs: 'DocList',
        name: str,
        show_progress: bool,
    ) -> Dict:
        """Push this DocList to the specified name.

        :param docs: The DocList to push
        :param name: The name to push to
        :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

    def push_stream(
        docs: Iterator['BaseDoc'],
        url: str,
        show_progress: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict:
        """Push a stream of documents to the specified name.

        :param docs: a stream of documents
        :param url: The name to push to
        :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

    def pull(
        docs_cls: Type['DocList'],
        name: str,
        show_progress: bool,
        local_cache: bool,
    ) -> 'DocList':
        """Pull a DocList from the specified name.

        :param docs_cls: The DocList class to instantiate
        :param name: The name to pull from
        :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.
        :param local_cache: If true, the DocList will be cached locally
        :return: A DocList

    def pull_stream(
        docs_cls: Type['DocList'],
        name: str,
        show_progress: bool,
        local_cache: bool,
    ) -> Iterator['BaseDoc']:
        """Pull a stream of documents from the specified name.

        :param docs_cls: The DocList class to instantiate
        :param name: The name to pull from
        :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.
        :param local_cache: If true, the DocList will be cached locally
        :return: An iterator of documents"""

delete(name, missing_ok) abstractmethod staticmethod

Delete the DocList object at the specified name


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the DocList to delete

missing_ok bool

If true, no error will be raised if the DocList does not exist.



Type Description

True if the DocList was deleted, False if it did not exist.

Source code in docarray/store/
def delete(name: str, missing_ok: bool) -> bool:
    """Delete the DocList object at the specified name

    :param name: The name of the DocList to delete
    :param missing_ok: If true, no error will be raised if the DocList does not exist.
    :return: True if the DocList was deleted, False if it did not exist.

list(namespace, show_table) abstractmethod staticmethod

List all DocLists in the specified backend at the namespace.


Name Type Description Default
namespace str

The namespace to list

show_table bool

If true, a table is printed to the console



Type Description

A list of DocList names

Source code in docarray/store/
def list(namespace: str, show_table: bool) -> List[str]:
    """List all DocLists in the specified backend at the namespace.

    :param namespace: The namespace to list
    :param show_table: If true, a table is printed to the console
    :return: A list of DocList names

pull(docs_cls, name, show_progress, local_cache) abstractmethod staticmethod

Pull a DocList from the specified name.


Name Type Description Default
docs_cls Type[DocList]

The DocList class to instantiate

name str

The name to pull from

show_progress bool

If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

local_cache bool

If true, the DocList will be cached locally



Type Description

A DocList

Source code in docarray/store/
def pull(
    docs_cls: Type['DocList'],
    name: str,
    show_progress: bool,
    local_cache: bool,
) -> 'DocList':
    """Pull a DocList from the specified name.

    :param docs_cls: The DocList class to instantiate
    :param name: The name to pull from
    :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.
    :param local_cache: If true, the DocList will be cached locally
    :return: A DocList

pull_stream(docs_cls, name, show_progress, local_cache) abstractmethod staticmethod

Pull a stream of documents from the specified name.


Name Type Description Default
docs_cls Type[DocList]

The DocList class to instantiate

name str

The name to pull from

show_progress bool

If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

local_cache bool

If true, the DocList will be cached locally



Type Description

An iterator of documents

Source code in docarray/store/
def pull_stream(
    docs_cls: Type['DocList'],
    name: str,
    show_progress: bool,
    local_cache: bool,
) -> Iterator['BaseDoc']:
    """Pull a stream of documents from the specified name.

    :param docs_cls: The DocList class to instantiate
    :param name: The name to pull from
    :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.
    :param local_cache: If true, the DocList will be cached locally
    :return: An iterator of documents"""

push(docs, name, show_progress) abstractmethod staticmethod

Push this DocList to the specified name.


Name Type Description Default
docs DocList

The DocList to push

name str

The name to push to

show_progress bool

If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

Source code in docarray/store/
def push(
    docs: 'DocList',
    name: str,
    show_progress: bool,
) -> Dict:
    """Push this DocList to the specified name.

    :param docs: The DocList to push
    :param name: The name to push to
    :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

push_stream(docs, url, show_progress=False) abstractmethod staticmethod

Push a stream of documents to the specified name.


Name Type Description Default
docs Iterator[BaseDoc]

a stream of documents

url str

The name to push to

show_progress bool

If true, a progress bar will be displayed.

Source code in docarray/store/
def push_stream(
    docs: Iterator['BaseDoc'],
    url: str,
    show_progress: bool = False,
) -> Dict:
    """Push a stream of documents to the specified name.

    :param docs: a stream of documents
    :param url: The name to push to
    :param show_progress: If true, a progress bar will be displayed.