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map_docs(docs, func, backend='thread', num_worker=None, pool=None, show_progress=False)

Return an iterator that applies func to every Document in docs in parallel, yielding the results.

from docarray import DocList
from docarray.documents import ImageDoc
from import map_docs

def load_url_to_tensor(img: ImageDoc) -> ImageDoc:
    img.tensor = img.url.load()
    return img

url = (

docs = DocList[ImageDoc]([ImageDoc(url=url) for _ in range(100)])
docs = DocList[ImageDoc](
    list(map_docs(docs, load_url_to_tensor, backend='thread'))
)  # threading is usually a good option for IO-bound tasks such as loading an
# ImageDoc from url

for doc in docs:
    assert doc.tensor is not None


Name Type Description Default
docs T

DocList to apply function to

func Callable[[T_doc], T_doc]

a function that takes a BaseDoc as input and outputs a BaseDoc.

backend str

thread for multithreading and process for multiprocessing. Defaults to thread. In general, if func is IO-bound then thread is a good choice. On the other hand, if func is CPU-bound, then you may use process. In practice, you should try yourselves to figure out the best value. However, if you wish to modify the elements in-place, regardless of IO/CPU-bound, you should always use thread backend. Note that computation that is offloaded to non-python code (e.g. through np/torch/tf) falls under the "IO-bound" category. !!! warning When using process backend, your func should not modify elements in-place. This is because the multiprocessing backend passes the variable via pickle and works in another process. The passed object and the original object do not share the same memory.

num_worker Optional[int]

the number of parallel workers. If not given, the number of CPUs in the system will be used.

pool Optional[Union[Pool, ThreadPool]]

use an existing/external process or thread pool. If given, you will be responsible for closing the pool.

show_progress bool

show a progress bar. Defaults to False.



Type Description
Generator[T_doc, None, None]

yield Documents returned from func

Source code in docarray/utils/
def map_docs(
    docs: T,
    func: Callable[[T_doc], T_doc],
    backend: str = 'thread',
    num_worker: Optional[int] = None,
    pool: Optional[Union[Pool, ThreadPool]] = None,
    show_progress: bool = False,
) -> Generator[T_doc, None, None]:
    Return an iterator that applies `func` to every Document in `docs` in parallel,
    yielding the results.


    from docarray import DocList
    from docarray.documents import ImageDoc
    from import map_docs

    def load_url_to_tensor(img: ImageDoc) -> ImageDoc:
        img.tensor = img.url.load()
        return img

    url = (

    docs = DocList[ImageDoc]([ImageDoc(url=url) for _ in range(100)])
    docs = DocList[ImageDoc](
        list(map_docs(docs, load_url_to_tensor, backend='thread'))
    )  # threading is usually a good option for IO-bound tasks such as loading an
    # ImageDoc from url

    for doc in docs:
        assert doc.tensor is not None


    :param docs: DocList to apply function to
    :param func: a function that takes a [`BaseDoc`][docarray.base_doc.doc.BaseDoc]
        as input and outputs a [`BaseDoc`][docarray.base_doc.doc.BaseDoc].
    :param backend: `thread` for multithreading and `process` for multiprocessing.
        Defaults to `thread`.
        In general, if `func` is IO-bound then `thread` is a good choice.
        On the other hand, if `func` is CPU-bound, then you may use `process`.
        In practice, you should try yourselves to figure out the best value.
        However, if you wish to modify the elements in-place, regardless of IO/CPU-bound,
        you should always use `thread` backend.
        Note that computation that is offloaded to non-python code (e.g. through np/torch/tf)
        falls under the "IO-bound" category.

        !!! warning
            When using `process` backend, your `func` should not modify elements in-place.
            This is because the multiprocessing backend passes the variable via pickle
            and works in another process.
            The passed object and the original object do **not** share the same memory.

    :param num_worker: the number of parallel workers. If not given, the number of CPUs
        in the system will be used.
    :param pool: use an existing/external process or thread pool. If given, you will
        be responsible for closing the pool.
    :param show_progress: show a progress bar. Defaults to False.

    :return: yield Documents returned from `func`

    if backend == 'process' and _is_lambda_or_partial_or_local_function(func):
        raise ValueError(
            f'Multiprocessing does not allow functions that are local, lambda or partial: {func}'

    context_pool: Union[nullcontext, Union[Pool, ThreadPool]]
    if pool:
        p = pool
        context_pool = nullcontext()
        p = _get_pool(backend, num_worker)
        context_pool = p

    with context_pool:
        imap = p.imap(func, docs)
        for x in track(imap, total=len(docs), disable=not show_progress):
            yield x

map_docs_batched(docs, func, batch_size, backend='thread', num_worker=None, shuffle=False, pool=None, show_progress=False)

Return an iterator that applies func to every minibatch of iterable in parallel, yielding the results. Each element in the returned iterator is an AnyDocArray.

from docarray import BaseDoc, DocList
from import map_docs_batched

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    name: str

def upper_case_name(docs: DocList[MyDoc]) -> DocList[MyDoc]: = [n.upper() for n in]
    return docs

batch_size = 16
docs = DocList[MyDoc]([MyDoc(name='my orange cat') for _ in range(100)])
it = map_docs_batched(docs, upper_case_name, batch_size=batch_size)
for i, d in enumerate(it):
    docs[i * batch_size : (i + 1) * batch_size] = d

assert len(docs) == 100



Name Type Description Default
docs T

DocList to apply function to

batch_size int

Size of each generated batch (except the last one, which might be smaller).

shuffle bool

If set, shuffle the Documents before dividing into minibatches.

func Callable[[T], Union[T, T_doc]]

a function that takes an :class:AnyDocArray as input and outputs an :class:AnyDocArray or a :class:BaseDoc.

backend str

thread for multithreading and process for multiprocessing. Defaults to thread. In general, if func is IO-bound then thread is a good choice. On the other hand, if func is CPU-bound, then you may use process. In practice, you should try yourselves to figure out the best value. However, if you wish to modify the elements in-place, regardless of IO/CPU-bound, you should always use thread backend. Note that computation that is offloaded to non-python code (e.g. through np/torch/tf) falls under the "IO-bound" category. !!! warning When using process backend, your func should not modify elements in-place. This is because the multiprocessing backend passes the variable via pickle and works in another process. The passed object and the original object do not share the same memory.

num_worker Optional[int]

the number of parallel workers. If not given, then the number of CPUs in the system will be used.

show_progress bool

show a progress bar

pool Optional[Union[Pool, ThreadPool]]

use an existing/external pool. If given, backend is ignored and you will be responsible for closing the pool.



Type Description
Generator[Union[T, T_doc], None, None]

yield DocLists returned from func

Source code in docarray/utils/
def map_docs_batched(
    docs: T,
    func: Callable[[T], Union[T, T_doc]],
    batch_size: int,
    backend: str = 'thread',
    num_worker: Optional[int] = None,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    pool: Optional[Union[Pool, ThreadPool]] = None,
    show_progress: bool = False,
) -> Generator[Union[T, T_doc], None, None]:
    Return an iterator that applies `func` to every **minibatch** of iterable in parallel,
    yielding the results.
    Each element in the returned iterator is an `AnyDocArray`.


    from docarray import BaseDoc, DocList
    from import map_docs_batched

    class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
        name: str

    def upper_case_name(docs: DocList[MyDoc]) -> DocList[MyDoc]: = [n.upper() for n in]
        return docs

    batch_size = 16
    docs = DocList[MyDoc]([MyDoc(name='my orange cat') for _ in range(100)])
    it = map_docs_batched(docs, upper_case_name, batch_size=batch_size)
    for i, d in enumerate(it):
        docs[i * batch_size : (i + 1) * batch_size] = d

    assert len(docs) == 100




    :param docs: DocList to apply function to
    :param batch_size: Size of each generated batch (except the last one, which might
        be smaller).
    :param shuffle: If set, shuffle the Documents before dividing into minibatches.
    :param func: a function that takes an :class:`AnyDocArray` as input and outputs
        an :class:`AnyDocArray` or a :class:`BaseDoc`.
    :param backend: `thread` for multithreading and `process` for multiprocessing.
        Defaults to `thread`.
        In general, if `func` is IO-bound then `thread` is a good choice.
        On the other hand, if `func` is CPU-bound, then you may use `process`.
        In practice, you should try yourselves to figure out the best value.
        However, if you wish to modify the elements in-place, regardless of IO/CPU-bound,
        you should always use `thread` backend.
        Note that computation that is offloaded to non-python code (e.g. through np/torch/tf)
        falls under the "IO-bound" category.

        !!! warning
            When using `process` backend, your `func` should not modify elements in-place.
            This is because the multiprocessing backend passes the variable via pickle
            and works in another process.
            The passed object and the original object do **not** share the same memory.

    :param num_worker: the number of parallel workers. If not given, then the number of CPUs
        in the system will be used.
    :param show_progress: show a progress bar
    :param pool: use an existing/external pool. If given, `backend` is ignored and you will
        be responsible for closing the pool.

    :return: yield DocLists returned from `func`
    if backend == 'process' and _is_lambda_or_partial_or_local_function(func):
        raise ValueError(
            f'Multiprocessing does not allow functions that are local, lambda or partial: {func}'

    context_pool: Union[nullcontext, Union[Pool, ThreadPool]]
    if pool:
        p = pool
        context_pool = nullcontext()
        p = _get_pool(backend, num_worker)
        context_pool = p

    with context_pool:
        imap = p.imap(func, docs._batch(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle))
        for x in track(
            imap, total=ceil(len(docs) / batch_size), disable=not show_progress
            yield x