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Weaviate Document Index

Install dependencies

To use WeaviateDocumentIndex, you need to install extra dependencies with the following command:

pip install "docarray[weaviate]"

This is the user guide for the WeaviateDocumentIndex, focusing on special features and configurations of Weaviate.

Basic usage

This snippet demonstrates the basic usage of WeaviateDocumentIndex. It defines a document schema with a title and an embedding, creates ten dummy documents with random embeddings, initializes an instance of WeaviateDocumentIndex to index these documents, and performs a vector similarity search to retrieve the ten most similar documents to a given query vector.

Single Search Field Requirement

In order to utilize vector search, it's necessary to define 'is_embedding' for one field only. This is due to Weaviate's configuration, which permits a single vector for each data object.

from docarray import BaseDoc, DocList
from docarray.index import WeaviateDocumentIndex
from docarray.typing import NdArray
from pydantic import Field
import numpy as np

# Define the document schema.
class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    title: str 
    embedding: NdArray[128] = Field(is_embedding=True)

# Create dummy documents.
docs = DocList[MyDoc](MyDoc(title=f'title #{i}', embedding=np.random.rand(128)) for i in range(10))

# Initialize a new WeaviateDocumentIndex instance and add the documents to the index.
doc_index = WeaviateDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

# Perform a vector search.
query = np.ones(128)
retrieved_docs = doc_index.find(query, limit=10)


Start Weaviate service

To use WeaviateDocumentIndex, DocArray needs to hook into a running Weaviate service. There are multiple ways to start a Weaviate instance, depending on your use case.

Options - Overview

Instance type General use case Configurability Notes
Weaviate Cloud Services (WCS) Development and production Limited Recommended for most users
Embedded Weaviate Experimentation Limited Experimental (as of Apr 2023)
Docker-Compose Development Yes Recommended for development + customizability
Kubernetes Production Yes

Instantiation instructions

WCS (managed instance)

Go to the WCS console and create an instance using the visual interface, following this guide.

Weaviate instances on WCS come pre-configured, so no further configuration is required.

Docker-Compose (self-managed)

Get a configuration file (docker-compose.yaml). You can build it using this interface, or download it directly with:

curl -o docker-compose.yml "<WEAVIATE_VERSION>"

Where v<WEAVIATE_VERSION> is the actual version, such as v1.18.3.

curl -o docker-compose.yml ""

Start up Weaviate with Docker-Compose

Then you can start up Weaviate by running from a shell:

docker-compose up -d

Shut down Weaviate

Then you can shut down Weaviate by running from a shell:

docker-compose down


Unless data persistence or backups are set up, shutting down the Docker instance will remove all its data.

See documentation on Persistent volume and Backups to prevent this if persistence is desired.

docker-compose up -d

Embedded Weaviate (from the application)

With Embedded Weaviate, Weaviate database server can be launched from the client, using:

from docarray.index.backends.weaviate import EmbeddedOptions

embedded_options = EmbeddedOptions()


Weaviate offers multiple authentication options, as well as authorization options.

With DocArray, you can use any of:

  • Anonymous access (public instance),
  • OIDC with username & password, and
  • API-key based authentication.

To access a Weaviate instance. In general, Weaviate recommends using API-key based authentication for balance between security and ease of use. You can create, for example, read-only keys to distribute to certain users, while providing read/write keys to administrators.

See below for examples of connection to Weaviate for each scenario.

Connect to Weaviate

from docarray.index.backends.weaviate import WeaviateDocumentIndex

Public instance

If using Embedded Weaviate:

from docarray.index.backends.weaviate import EmbeddedOptions

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(embedded_options=EmbeddedOptions())

For all other options:

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
)  # Replace with your endpoint)

OIDC with username + password

To authenticate against a Weaviate instance with OIDC username & password:

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
    username="username",  # Replace with your username
    password="password",  # Replace with your password
    host="http://localhost:8080",  # Replace with your endpoint
# dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
#     username="username",  # Replace with your username
#     password="password",  # Replace with your password
#     host="http://localhost:8080",  # Replace with your endpoint
# )

API key-based authentication

To authenticate against a Weaviate instance an API key:

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
    auth_api_key="apikey",  # Replace with your own API key
    host="http://localhost:8080",  # Replace with your endpoint

Create an instance

Let's connect to a local Weaviate service and instantiate a WeaviateDocumentIndex instance:

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
doc_index = WeaviateDocumentIndex[MyDoc](db_config=dbconfig)

Schema definition

In this code snippet, WeaviateDocumentIndex takes a schema of the form of MyDoc. The Document Index then creates a column for each field in MyDoc.

The column types in the backend database are determined by the type hints of the document's fields. Optionally, you can customize the database types for every field.

Most vector databases need to know the dimensionality of the vectors that will be stored. Here, that is automatically inferred from the type hint of the embedding field: NdArray[128] means that the database will store vectors with 128 dimensions.

PyTorch and TensorFlow support

Instead of using NdArray you can use TorchTensor or TensorFlowTensor and the Document Index will handle that for you. This is supported for all Document Index backends. No need to convert your tensors to NumPy arrays manually!

Using a predefined document as schema

DocArray offers a number of predefined documents, like ImageDoc and TextDoc. If you try to use these directly as a schema for a Document Index, you will get unexpected behavior: Depending on the backend, an exception will be raised, or no vector index for ANN lookup will be built.

The reason for this is that predefined documents don't hold information about the dimensionality of their .embedding field. But this is crucial information for any vector database to work properly!

You can work around this problem by subclassing the predefined document and adding the dimensionality information:

from docarray.documents import TextDoc
from docarray.typing import NdArray
from docarray.index import WeaviateDocumentIndex
from pydantic import Field

class MyDoc(TextDoc):
    embedding: NdArray[128] = Field(is_embedding=True)

doc_index = WeaviateDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()
from docarray.documents import TextDoc
from docarray.typing import AnyTensor
from docarray.index import WeaviateDocumentIndex
from pydantic import Field

class MyDoc(TextDoc):
    embedding: AnyTensor = Field(dim=128, is_embedding=True)

doc_index = WeaviateDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

Once you have defined the schema of your Document Index in this way, the data that you index can be either the predefined Document type or your custom Document type.

The next section goes into more detail about data indexing, but note that if you have some TextDocs, ImageDocs etc. that you want to index, you don't need to cast them to MyDoc:

from docarray import DocList

# data of type TextDoc
data = DocList[TextDoc](
        TextDoc(text='hello world', embedding=np.random.rand(128)),
        TextDoc(text='hello world', embedding=np.random.rand(128)),
        TextDoc(text='hello world', embedding=np.random.rand(128)),

# you can index this into Document Index of type MyDoc


Putting it together, we can add data below using Weaviate as the Document Index:

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field
from docarray import BaseDoc, DocList
from docarray.typing import NdArray
from docarray.index.backends.weaviate import WeaviateDocumentIndex

# Define a document schema
class Document(BaseDoc):
    text: str
    embedding: NdArray[2] = Field(
        dims=2, is_embedding=True
    )  # Embedding column -> vector representation of the document
    file: NdArray[100] = Field(dims=100)

# Make a list of 3 docs to index
docs = DocList[Document](
            text="Hello world",
            embedding=np.array([1, 2]),
            text="Hello world, how are you?",
            embedding=np.array([3, 4]),
            text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut",
            embedding=np.array([5, 6]),

batch_config = {
    "batch_size": 20,
    "dynamic": False,
    "timeout_retries": 3,
    "num_workers": 1,

runtimeconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.RuntimeConfig(batch_config=batch_config)

store = WeaviateDocumentIndex[Document]()
store.configure(runtimeconfig)  # Batch settings being passed on


  • To use vector search, you need to specify is_embedding for exactly one field.
    • This is because Weaviate is configured to allow one vector per data object.
    • If you would like to see Weaviate support multiple vectors per object, upvote the issue which will help to prioritize it.
  • For a field to be considered as an embedding, its type needs to be of subclass np.ndarray or AbstractTensor and is_embedding needs to be set to True.
    • If is_embedding is set to False or not provided, the field will be treated as a number[], and as a result, it will not be added to Weaviate's vector index.
  • It is possible to create a schema without specifying is_embedding for any field.
    • This will however mean that the document will not be vectorized and cannot be searched using vector search.

As you can see, DocList[Document] and WeaviateDocumentIndex[Document] both have Document as a parameter. This means that they share the same schema, and in general, both the Document Index and the data that you want to store need to have compatible schemas.

When are two schemas compatible?

The schemas of your Document Index and data need to be compatible with each other.

Let's say A is the schema of your Document Index and B is the schema of your data. There are a few rules that determine if schema A is compatible with schema B. If any of the following are true, then A and B are compatible:

  • A and B are the same class
  • A and B have the same field names and field types
  • A and B have the same field names, and, for every field, the type of B is a subclass of the type of A

In particular, this means that you can easily index predefined documents into a Document Index.

Now that you have indexed your data, you can perform vector similarity search using the find() method.

You can perform a similarity search and find relevant documents by passing MyDoc or a raw vector to the find() method:

# create a query document
query = Document(
    text="Hello world",
    embedding=np.array([1, 2]),

# find similar documents
matches, scores = doc_index.find(query, limit=5)

# create a query vector
query = np.random.rand(2)

# find similar documents
matches, scores = store.find(query, limit=5)


In this example you only have one field (embedding) that is a vector, so you can trivially choose that one. In general, you could have multiple fields of type NdArray or TorchTensor or TensorFlowTensor, and you can choose which one to use for the search.

The find() method returns a named tuple containing the closest matching documents and their associated similarity scores.

When searching on the subindex level, you can use the find_subindex() method, which returns a named tuple containing the subindex documents, similarity scores and their associated root documents.

How these scores are calculated depends on the backend, and can usually be configured.

You can also search for multiple documents at once, in a batch, using the find_batched() method.

# create some query documents
queries = DocList[MyDoc](
        text=f"Hello world {i}",
        embedding=np.array([i, i + 1]),
    for i in range(3)

# find similar documents
matches, scores = doc_index.find_batched(queries, limit=5)

# create some query vectors
query = np.random.rand(3, 2)

# find similar documents
matches, scores = doc_index.find_batched(query, limit=5)


The find_batched() method returns a named tuple containing a list of DocLists, one for each query, containing the closest matching documents and their similarity scores.


To perform filtering, follow the below syntax.

This will perform a filtering on the field text:

docs = store.filter({"path": ["text"], "operator": "Equal", "valueText": "Hello world"})

You can filter your documents by using the filter() or filter_batched() method with a corresponding filter query. The query should follow the query language of the Weaviate.

In the following example let's filter for all the books that are cheaper than 29 dollars:

from docarray import BaseDoc, DocList
from docarray.typing import NdArray
from pydantic import Field
import numpy as np

class Book(BaseDoc):
    price: int
    embedding: NdArray[10] = Field(is_embedding=True)

books = DocList[Book]([Book(price=i * 10, embedding=np.random.rand(10)) for i in range(10)])
book_index = WeaviateDocumentIndex[Book](index_name='tmp_index')

# filter for books that are cheaper than 29 dollars
query = {"path": ["price"], "operator": "LessThan", "valueInt": 29}
cheap_books = book_index.filter(filter_query=query)

assert len(cheap_books) == 3
for doc in cheap_books:

In addition to vector similarity search, the Document Index interface offers methods for text search: text_search(), as well as the batched version text_search_batched().

You can use text search directly on the field of type str.

The following line will perform a text search for the word "hello" in the field "text" and return the first two results:

docs = store.text_search("world", search_field="text", limit=2)

Document Index supports atomic operations for vector similarity search, text search and filter search.

To combine these operations into a single, hybrid search query, you can use the query builder that is accessible through build_query().

To perform a hybrid search, follow the below syntax.

This will perform a hybrid search for the word "hello" and the vector [1, 2] and return the first two results:

Note: Hybrid search searches through the object vector and all fields. Accordingly, the search_field keyword will have no effect.

q = store.build_query().text_search("world").find([1, 2]).limit(2).build()

docs = store.execute_query(q)

GraphQL query

You can also perform a raw GraphQL query using any syntax as you might natively in Weaviate. This allows you to run any of the full range of queries that you might wish to.

The below will perform a GraphQL query to obtain the count of Document objects.

graphql_query = """
  Aggregate {
    Document {
      meta {


Note that running a raw GraphQL query will return Weaviate-type responses, rather than a DocArray object type.

You can find the documentation for Weaviate's GraphQL API here.

Access documents

To retrieve a document from a Document Index you don't necessarily need to perform a fancy search.

You can also access data by the id that was assigned to each document:

# prepare some data
data = DocList[MyDoc](
    MyDoc(embedding=np.random.rand(128), title=f'query {i}') for i in range(3)

# remember the Document ids and index the data
ids =

# access the documents by id
doc = doc_index[ids[0]]  # get by single id
docs = doc_index[ids]  # get by list of ids

Delete documents

In the same way you can access documents by id, you can also delete them:

# prepare some data
data = DocList[MyDoc](
    MyDoc(embedding=np.random.rand(128), title=f'query {i}') for i in range(3)

# remember the Document ids and index the data
ids =

# access the documents by id
del doc_index[ids[0]]  # del by single id
del doc_index[ids[1:]]  # del by list of ids



WCS instances come pre-configured, and as such additional settings are not configurable outside of those chosen at creation, such as whether to enable authentication.

For other cases, such as Docker-Compose deployment, its settings can be modified through the configuration file, such as the docker-compose.yaml file.

Some of the more commonly used settings include:

And a list of environment variables is available on this page.

DocArray instantiation configuration options

Additionally, you can specify the below settings when you instantiate a configuration object in DocArray.

name type explanation default example
Category: General
host str Weaviate instance url http://localhost:8080
Category: Authentication
username str Username known to the specified authentication provider (e.g. WCS) None
password str Corresponding password None p@ssw0rd
auth_api_key str API key known to the Weaviate instance None mys3cretk3y
Category: Data schema
index_name str Class name to use to store the document The document class name, e.g. MyDoc for WeaviateDocumentIndex[MyDoc] Document
Category: Embedded Weaviate
embedded_options EmbeddedOptions Options for embedded weaviate None

The type EmbeddedOptions can be specified as described here

Runtime configuration

Weaviate strongly recommends using batches to perform bulk operations such as importing data, as it will significantly impact performance. You can specify a batch configuration as in the below example, and pass it on as runtime configuration.

batch_config = {
    "batch_size": 20,
    "dynamic": False,
    "timeout_retries": 3,
    "num_workers": 1,

runtimeconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.RuntimeConfig(batch_config=batch_config)

dbconfig = WeaviateDocumentIndex.DBConfig(
)  # Replace with your endpoint and/or auth settings
store = WeaviateDocumentIndex[Document](db_config=dbconfig)
store.configure(runtimeconfig)  # Batch settings being passed on
name type explanation default
batch_config Dict[str, Any] dictionary to configure the weaviate client's batching logic see below

Read more:

Available column types

Python data types are mapped to Weaviate type according to the below conventions.

Python type Weaviate type
docarray.typing.ID string
str text
int int
float number
bool boolean
np.ndarray number[]
AbstractTensor number[]
bytes blob

You can override this default mapping by passing a col_type to the Field of a schema.

For example to map str to string you can:

class StringDoc(BaseDoc):
    text: str = Field(col_type="string")

A list of available Weaviate data types is here.

The examples provided primarily operate on a basic schema where each field corresponds to a straightforward type such as str or NdArray. However, it is also feasible to represent and store nested documents in a Document Index, including scenarios where a document contains a DocList of other documents.

Go to the Nested Data section to learn more.