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Add a new Document Index

In DocArray a Document Index is a class that takes documents, optionally persists them, and makes them searchable. Different Document Indexes leverage different backends, like Weaviate, Qdrant, HNSWLib etc.

This document shows covers adding a new Document Index to DocArray.

This can be broken down into a number of steps:

  1. Install and user instructions
  2. Create a new class that inherits from BaseDocIndex
  3. Declare default configurations for your Document Index
  4. Implement abstract methods for indexing, searching, and deleting
  5. Implement a Query Builder for your Document Index

In general, the steps above can be followed in roughly that order.

However, a Document Index implementation is usually very interconnected, so you will probably have to jump between these steps a bit, both in your implementation and in the guide below.

For an end-to-end example of this process, check out the existing HNSWLib Document Index implementation.


Caution: The HNSWLib Document Index implementation can be used as a reference, but it is special in some key ways. For example, HNSWLib can only index vectors, so it uses SQLite to store the rest of the documents alongside it. This is not how you should store documents in your implementation! You can find guidance on how you should do it below.

Installation and user instructions

Add the library required for your Index via poetry:

poetry add {my_index_lib}

The pyproject.toml file should now look like this:

my_index_lib = ">=123.456.789"

Mark the library as optional and manually create an extra for it:

my_index_lib = {version = ">=0.6.2", optional = true }

my_index_extra = ["my_index_lib"]

In case the user tries to use your Index without the correct installs, we want to throw an error with corresponding instructions.

To enable this, first, add instructions to the INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS dictionary in docarray/utils/, such as

{'my_index_lib': '"docarray[my_index_extra]"'}

Next, ensure you add a case to the __getattr__() in docarray/index/ for your new Index. By doing so, the user will be given the instructions when trying to import MyIndex without the correct libraries installed.

    from docarray.index.backends.my_index import MyIndex  # noqa: F401

def __getattr__(name: str):
    if name == 'HnswDocumentIndex':
        import_library('hnswlib', raise_error=True)
        from docarray.index.backends.my_index import MyIndex  # noqa

        return MyIndex

Additionally, wrap the required imports in the file where the MyIndex class will be located, like it is done in docarray/index/backends/

Create a new Document Index class

To get started, create a new class that inherits from BaseDocIndex and typing.Generic:

TSchema = TypeVar('TSchema', bound=BaseDoc)

class MyDocumentIndex(BaseDocIndex, Generic[TSchema]):

Here, TSchema is a type variable representing the schema of the Document Index, which is a Document. You can use it in type hints of methods and attributes.

Create the constructor

You can write an __init__ method for your Document Index where you set up all the needed bells and whistles:

def __init__(self, db_config=None, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(db_config=db_config, **kwargs)

Ensure you call the super().__init__ method, which will do some basic initialization for you.

Set up your backend

Your backend (database or similar) should represent documents in the following way:

  • Every field of a document is a column in the database.
  • Column types follow a default that you define, based on the type hint of the associated field, but can also be configured by the user.
  • Every row in your database thus represents a document.
  • Nesting: The most common way to handle nested documents (and the one where the AbstractDocumentIndex will hold your hand the most), is to flatten out nested documents. But if your backend natively supports nesting representations, then feel free to leverage those!


Don't take too much inspiration from the HNSWLib Document Index implementation on this point, as it is a bit of a special case.

Also, check the Document Index is being set up "fresh", meaning no data was previously persisted. Then create a new database table (or the equivalent concept in you backend) for the documents, otherwise, the Document Index should connect to the existing database and table. You can determine this based on self._db_config (see below).


If you are integrating a database, your Document Index should always assume there is already a database running that it can connect to. It should not spawn a new database instance.

To help with all of this, super().__init__ inject a few helpful attributes for you (more info in the dedicated sections below):

  • self._schema
  • self._db_config
  • self._runtime_config
  • self._column_infos

The _schema

When a user instantiates a Document Index, they do so in a parametric way:

class Inner(BaseDoc):
    embedding: NdArray[512]

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray[100]
    other_tensor: NdArray = Field(dim=10, space='cosine')
    description: str
    inner: Inner

store = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

In this case, store would have a class attribute _schema that is the MyDoc class. This is done automatically for you, and you can use it in your implementation.

The _db_config

The _db_config is a dataclass that contains all "static" configurations of your Document Index. Users can pass these configurations to the __init__ method of your Document Index, and self._db_config will be populated for you, so that you can use it in your implementation.

You can declare allowed fields and default values for your _db_config, but you will see that later.

The _runtime_config

The _runtime_config is a dataclass that contains all "dynamic" configurations of your Document Index. Users can pass these configurations to the .configure() method of your Document Index, and self._runtime_config will be populated for you, so that you can use it in your implementation.

You can declare allowed fields and default values for your _runtime_config, but you will see that later.

The _column_infos

self._column_infos is a dictionary that contains information about all columns in your Document Index instance.

This information is automatically extracted from self._schema, and populated for you.

Concretely, self._column_infos: Dict[str, _ColumnInfo] maps from a column name to a _ColumnInfo dataclass.

For the MyDoc schema above, the column names would be tensor, other_tensor, description, id, inner__embedding, and inner__id. These are the key of self._column_infos.

The values of self._column_infos are _ColumnInfo dataclasses, which have the following form:

class _ColumnInfo:
    docarray_type: Type
    db_type: Any
    n_dim: Optional[int] = None
    config: Dict[str, Any]
  • docarray_type is the type of the column in DocArray, e.g. AbstractTensor or str
  • db_type is the type of the column in the Document Index, e.g. np.ndarray or str. You can customize the mapping from docarray_type to db_type, as we will see later.
  • config is a dictionary of configurations for the column. For example, the other_tensor column above would contain the space and dim configurations.
  • n_dim is the dimensionality of the column, e.g. 100 for a 100-dimensional vector. See further guidance on this below.

Again, these are automatically populated for you, so you can just use them in your implementation.


_ColumnInfo.docarray_type contains the python type as specified in self._schema, whereas _ColumnInfo.db_type contains the data type of a particular database column.

By default, it holds that _ColumnInfo.docarray_type == self.python_type_to_db_type(_ColumnInfo.db_type), as we will see later. However, you should not rely on this, because a user can manually specify a different db_type. Therefore, your implementation should rely on _ColumnInfo.db_type and not directly call python_type_to_db_type().


If a subclass of AbstractTensor appears in the Document Index's schema (i.e. TorchTensor, NdArray, or TensorFlowTensor), then _ColumnInfo.docarray_type will simply show AbstractTensor instead of the specific subclass. This is because the abstract class normalizes all input data of type AbstractTensor to np.ndarray anyways, which should make your life easier. Just be sure to properly handle AbstractTensor as a possible value or _ColumnInfo.docarray_type, and you won't have to worry about the differences between torch, tf, and np.

Properly handle n_dim

_ColumnInfo.n_dim is automatically obtained from type parametrizations of the form NdArray[100]; if there isn't such a parametrization, n_dim of the columns will be None.

You should also provide another way of defining the dimensionality of your columns, specifically by exposing a parameter in Field(...) (see example schema at the top).

This leads to four possible scenarios:

Scenario 1: Only n_dim is defined

Imagine the user defines this schema:

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray[100]

index = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

In that case, the following will be true: self._column_infos['tensor'].n_dim == 100 and self._column_infos['tensor'].config == {}. The tensor column in your backend should be configured to have dimensionality 100.

Scenario 2: Only Field(...) is defined

Now, imagine the user defines this schema:

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray = Field(dim=50)

index = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

In that case, self._column_infos['tensor'].n_dim is None and self._column_infos['tensor'].config['dim'] == 50. The tensor column in your backend should be configured to have dimensionality 50.

Scenario 3: Both n_dim and Field(...) are defined

Now, imagine this schema:

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray[100] = Field(dim=50)

index = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

In this case, self._column_infos['tensor'].n_dim == 100 and self._column_infos['tensor'].config['dim'] == 50. The tensor column in your backend should be configured to have dimensionality 100, as n_dim takes precedence over Field(...).

Scenario 4: Neither n_dim nor Field(...) are defined

Finally, imagine this:

class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
    tensor: NdArray

index = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()

In this case, self._column_infos['tensor'].n_dim is None and self._column_infos['tensor'].config == {}. If your backend can handle tensor/embedding columns without defined dimensionality, you should leverage that mechanism. Otherwise, raise an Exception.

Declare default configurations

We have already made reference to the _db_config and _runtime_config attributes.

To define what can be stored in them, and what the default values are, you need to create two inner classes:

class DBConfig(BaseDocIndex.DBConfig):
    default_column_config: Dict[Type, Dict[str, Any]] = ...

class RuntimeConfig(BaseDocIndex.RuntimeConfig):


  • DBConfig inherits from BaseDocIndex.DBConfig and RuntimeConfig inherits from BaseDocIndex.RuntimeConfig
  • All fields in each dataclass need to have default values. Choose these sensibly, as they will be used if the user does not specify a value.

The DBConfig class

The DBConfig class defines the static configurations of your Document Index. These are configurations that are tied to the database (or library) running in the background, such as host, port, etc. Here you should put everything that the user cannot or should not change after initialization.


Every DBConfig needs to contain a default_column_config field. This is a dictionary that, for each possible column type in your database, defines a default configuration for that column type. This will automatically be passed to a _ColumnInfo whenever a user does not manually specify a configuration for that column.

For example, in the MyDoc schema above, the tensor _ColumnInfo would have a default configuration specified for np.ndarray columns.

What is actually contained in these type-dependant configurations is up to you (and database specific). For example, for np.ndarray columns you could define the configurations index_type and metric_type, and for varchar columns you could define a max_length configuration.

It is probably best to see this in action, so you should check out the HnswDocumentIndex implementation.

The RuntimeConfig class

The RuntimeConfig class defines the dynamic configurations of your Document Index. These are configurations that can be changed at runtime, for example default behaviours such as batch sizes, consistency levels, etc.

It is a common pattern to allow such parameters both in the RuntimeConfig, where they will act as global defaults, and in specific methods (index, find, etc.), where they will act as local overrides.

Implement abstract methods for indexing, searching, and deleting

After you've done the basic setup above, you can jump into the good stuff: implementing the actual indexing, searching, and deleting.

In general, the following is true:

  • For every method that you need to implement, there is a public variant (e.g. index) and a private variant (e.g. _index)
  • You should usually implement the private variant, which is called by the already-implemented public variant. This should make your life easier, because some preprocessing and data normalization will already be done for you.
  • You can, however, also implement the public variant directly, if you want to do something special.


While implementing the public variant directly is a perfectly fine thing to do, it may create more maintenance work for you in the future, because the public variant defined in the BaseDocIndex might change in the future, and you will have to update your implementation accordingly.


  • You don't absolutely have to implement everything. If a feature (e.g. text_search) is not supported by your backend, just raise a NotImplementedError in the corresponding method.
  • Many methods come in a "singular" variant (e.g. find) and a "batched" variant (e.g. find_batched).
  • The "singular" variant expects a single input, be it an ANN query, a text query, a filter, etc., and return matches and scores for that single input
  • The "batched" variant expects a batch of inputs, and returns of matches and scores for each input
  • Your implementations of, e.g., _find(), _index() etc. are allowed to take additional optional keyword arguments. These can then be used to control DB specific behaviours, such as consistency levels, batch sizes, etc. As mentioned above, it is good practice to mirror these arguments in self.RuntimeConfig.

Overall, you're asked to implement the methods that appear after the Abstract methods; Subclasses must implement these comment in the BaseDocIndex class. The details of each method should become clear from the docstrings and type hints.

The python_type_to_db_type() method

This method is slightly special, because

  1. It is not exposed to the user
  2. You absolutely have to implement it

It is intended to take a type of a field in the store's schema (e.g. AbstractTensor for tensor), and return the corresponding type in the database (e.g. np.ndarray).

The BaseDocIndex class uses this information to create and populate the _ColumnInfos in self._column_infos.

If the user wants to change the default behaviour, one can set the db type by using the col_type field:

class MySchema(BaseDoc):
    my_num: float = Field(col_type='float64')
    my_text: str = Field(..., col_type='varchar', max_len=2048)

In this case, the db_type of my_num will be 'float64' and the db_type of my_text will be 'varchar'. Additional information regarding the col_type, such as max_len for varchar will be stored in the _ColumnsInfo.config. The given col_type has to be a valid db_type, meaning that has to be described in the index's DBConfig.default_column_config.

The _index() method

When indexing documents, your implementation should behave in the following way:

  • Every field in the Document is mapped to a column in the database
  • This includes the id field, which is mapped to the primary key of the database (if your backend has such a concept)
  • The configuration of that column can be found in self._column_infos[field_name].config
  • In DocArray <=0.21, we used to store a serialized representation of every document. This is not needed anymore, as every row in your database table should fully represent a single indexed document.

To handle nested documents, the public index() method already flattens every incoming document for you. This means that _index() already receives a flattened representation of the data, and you don't need to worry about that.

Concretely, the _index() method takes as input a dictionary of column names to column data, flattened out.


If you (or your backend) prefer to do bulk indexing on row-wise data, then you can use the self._transpose_col_value_dict() helper method. Inside of _index() you can use this to transform column_to_data into a row-wise view of the data.

If your backend has native nesting capabilities: You can also ignore most of the above, and implement the public index() method directly. That way you have full control over whether the input data gets flattened or not.

The .id field: Every Document has an .id field, which is intended to act as a unique identifier or primary key in your backend, if such a concept exists in your case. In your implementation you can assume that .ids are unique and non-empty. (Strictly speaking, this uniqueness property is not guaranteed, since a user could override the auto-generated .id field with a custom value. If your implementation encounters a duplicate .id, it is okay to fail and raise an Exception.)

The _filter_by_parent_id() method

The default implementatin return None. You can choose to override this function with database specific filter API when needed. This function should return a list of ids of subindex level documents given the id of root document.

The index_name() property

The index_name property is used in the initialization of subindices, and the default implementation is empty. This function should return the name of the index. And if the property of the index name in your backend is not index_name, you need to convert it as the first step in __init__(), like index_name is assigned to work_dir in docarray/index/backends/

Implement a Query Builder for your Document Index

Every Document Index exposes a Query Builder interface which the user can use to build composed, hybrid queries.

For you as a backend integrator, there are three main things that are related to this:

  • The QueryBuilder class that you need to implement
  • The execute_query() method that you need to implement
  • The build_query() method that just returns an instance of your QueryBuilder. You don't need to implement this yourself.

Overall, this interface is very flexible, meaning that not a whole lot of structure is imposed on you. You can decide what happens in the QueryBuilder class, and how the query is executed in the execute_query() method. But there are a few things that you should stick to.

Implement the QueryBuilder class

The QueryBuilder is what accumulates partial queries and builds them into a single query, ready to be executed.

Your Query Builder has to be an inner class of your Document Index, its class name has to be QueryBuilder, and it has to inherit from the Base Query Builder:

class QueryBuilder(BaseDocIndex.QueryBuilder):

The Query Builder exposes the following interface:

  • The same query related methods as the BaseDocIndex class (e.g. filter, find, text_search, and their batched variants)
  • The build() method

Its goal is to enable an interface for composing complex queries, like this:

index = MyDocumentIndex[MyDoc]()
q = index.build_query().find(...).filter(...).text_search(...).build()

How the individual calls to find, filter, and text_search are combined is up to your backend.

Implement individual query methods

It is up to you how you implement the individual query methods, e.g. find, filter, and text_search of the query builder.

However, there are a few common strategies that you could use: If your backend natively supports a query builder pattern, then you could wrap that with the DocumentIndex Query Builder interface; or you could set these methods to simply collect arguments passed to it and defer the actual query building to the build() method (the `HNSWLibIndex does this); or you could eagerly build intermediate queries at every call.

No matter what you do, you should stick to one design principle: Every call to find, filter, text_search etc. should return a new instance of the Query Builder, with updated state.

If your backend does not support all operations

Most backends do not support compositions of all query operations, which is completely fine. If that is the case, you should handle that in the following way:

  • If an operation is supported by the Document Index that you are implementing, but is not supported by the Query Builder, you should use the pre-defined _raise_not_composable() helper method to raise a NotImplementedError.
  • If an operation is not supported by the Document Index that you are implementing, and is not supported by the Query Builder, you should use the pre-defined _raise_not_supported() helper method to raise a NotImplementedError.
  • If an operation is supported by the Document Index that you are implementing, and is supported by the Query Builder, but is not supported in combination with a certain other operation, you should raise a RuntimeError. Depending on how your Query Builder is set up, you might want to do that either eagerly during the conflicting method call, or lazily inside of .build().

Implement the build() method

It is up to you how you implement the build() method, and this will depend on how you implemented the individual query methods in the section above.

Depending on this, build() could wrap a similar method of an underlying native query builder; or it could combine the collected arguments and build an actual query; or it could even be a no-op. The important thing is that it returns a query object that can be immediately executed by the execute_query() method.

What exactly this query object is, is up to you. It could be a string, a dictionary, a custom object, or anything else.

Implement the execute_query() method

The execute_query() method of your Document Index has to fulfill two requirements: 1. Be able to execute a query that was built by the build() method of the corresponding QueryBuilder class, and return the results. 2. Be able to execute a native query object of your backend, as a simple pass-through, and return the results. This is intended for users to be able to use the native query language of your backend and manually construct their own queries, if they want to.

How you achieve this is up to you. If 1. and 2. condense down to the same thing because build() returns a native query is also up to you.

The only thing to keep in mind is that any heavy lifting, combining of various inputs and queries, and potential validation should happen in the build() method, and not in execute_query().